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B2B Website Strategy

Learn B2B Website Strategy From the Industry’s Top Marketing Minds

Your website can be more than just a brochure of your products or services; it can be a lead generation machine, driving more traffic, leads, and sales than your B2B business has ever seen before. Check out our battle-tested resources below to start your journey toward a B2B website strategy that more than pays for itself.

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B2B Website
Design Articles

Ready to create a high-traffic, high-converting website for your B2B business? Discover the latest in B2B website strategy, tips, and insights straight from the experts who lead the pack.

Our Web Design Expertise Is Your
Secret Weapon

We’re more than just a web design company. We’ve also got the expertise you need to create a website that really wows your prospects, customers, stakeholders, and executive team. We combine the best of B2B digital marketing strategy, content marketing, SEO, web design, and more to create a powerful website that supercharges your sales team and overflows your lead funnel.

B2B Web Design

Great business-to-business web design means more than just designing a beautiful website. You need expertise that goes beyond your website’s design and user interface to build foundations that will set your B2B business up for long-term success.

Our expert teams at Konstruct know how to work together to design a website that can support the sales cycles of B2B industries and serve as the foundation of any rock-solid marketing strategy.

Landing Page Design

Other agencies think that landing pages are step 2 in a user’s journey, but we know that’s often not the case. Your prospects typically land on individual service pages first before they know anything about your company and the unique value that you offer.

At Konstruct, we create landing pages that tell the full story while providing offers that appeal to users at any stage of the sales funnel so that potential customers will feel compelled to take the next step in the buyer’s journey.

Conversion Rate Optimization

You don’t want a website that leaves your site visitors lost meandering around your pages and confused about how to contact you or request your products or services.

We can help you intentionally craft the ideal user journey throughout your website to keep users on the path to conversions. Our websites make it easier to convert visitors into customers by guiding users to contact you in as few steps as possible.

MarTech Integration

A website can’t live in isolation (unless you’re content with spending thousands of dollars on a product that will forever be an expense, rather than an enabler for the growth of your company).

To create a website that continues to drive value, it needs to be tightly coupled with the rest of your marketing ecosystem. That’s where we come in.

The B2B Website Marketing Expertise You Need To Turn Your Website Into a Marketing Machine

We’ve produced brand-focused, high-converting, high-traffic websites for clients in all of the following B2B business types so you can feel confident trusting us with your new website strategy.

B2B Digital Marketing

When it comes to B2B sites, the experts at Konstruct are tough to beat. We know B2B marketing inside and out and have an abundance of B2B success stories to show for it.

Industrial B2B Digital Marketing

With more industrial & manufacturing decision-makers using the internet to vet vendors, you need a web design and development company that knows the market inside and out.

Franchise B2B Digital Marketing

A successful franchise website depends on a carefully strategized site structure and a robust local search engine optimization strategy. Let us help you reach your target business audience across all of your different locations.

eCommerce B2B Digital Marketing

The demographic of people with B2B purchasing power is changing. We’ll help you meet their expectations by enabling customers to transact online rather than having to go through the traditional sales process.

B2B Shopify Digital Marketing

We know the Shopify platform like the back of our hands and can help you leverage Shopify as your marketing platform to help you boost online sales.

B2B SaaS Digital Marketing

The SaaS industry is in a constant state of flux. We’re the agency you can trust to build a flexible website that can be easily modified as the industry evolves and changes.

B2B Enterprise Digital Marketing

A website with thousands of pages is a significant undertaking. Luckily, we have the systems in place to streamline the process so you’re not stuck waiting years for your new site.

Account-Based Marketing

We’re trusted by B2B sales teams across North America to create websites that help them nurture prospects and entice new clients currently beyond their reach.

B2B Tech Marketing

The key to a successful B2B tech website is agility. We have the expertise required to create agile websites so that your business can stay competitive in the tech space.