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Account Based Marketing Strategy

The Account-Based Marketing Agency That Helps Your B2B Business Secure High-Value Targets

If your high-value target accounts are just out of reach, Konstruct is the account-based marketing
agency you trust to hone your online marketing efforts, turning lukewarm leads — or even ice cold
prospects — into blazing hot opportunities

Google Partner
Mailchimp Partner

The ABM Agency That Gets You Closer
to Your Key Accounts

The key to moving your high-value target accounts through the pipeline is marketing campaigns so personalized and tailored to the specific needs of decision-makers that they would feel remiss not to invest in what you’re selling. If you’re looking to take aim at your top targets with hyper-personalized campaigns, Konstruct is the ABM agency with the expertise and resources to hit the bullseye. Our approach focuses on bespoke campaigns that speak directly to the hearts (and pain points) of your top target accounts, delivering leads that are ready for a sales win. We work closely with your sales team to identify targets and really get to know their wants and needs inside out so we can produce truly impactful campaigns with an ROI that will impress even the most ambitious C-level executives.

Laser Focus is Our Superpower

Focus is the key to a winning ABM strategy—so forget the broad-brush approach offered by most marketing agencies. Our ABM campaigns are driven by extensive data analysis and collaboration with your sales team to narrow down the highest-value segments and determine the exact ABM platforms and tactics that will produce the most impactful results for each segment.

To Us, It’s Personal

ABM programs are about more than just generating leads or closing deals—they’re about building long-lasting relationships. At Konstruct, we don’t just help you nurture prospects but also create stronger relationships with existing customer accounts. With our ABM game plan, you’ll experience a boost in brand devotion, sky-high customer lifetime value, and all-around better business results.

We Don’t Settle for “Good Enough”

No marketer gets it 100% right on the first try, even with extensive research and data analysis. Impactful account-based marketing efforts hinge on strategic optimization to assess and address key opportunities and areas for improvement after a campaign has launched. At Konsturct, we won’t stop until you have your highest-value target accounts in the palm of your hand—and then we’ll set our sights even higher!

Let’s Do Something Great Together.

We Drive Targeted Results for B2B Companies Like Yours

Our curiosity knows no bounds, and we’ve battle-tested our B2B digital marketing chops across a disparate array of industries, including manufacturing, cloud computing, SaaS, and technology companies.

Below is just a sample of B2B brands throughout North America that we are currently driving business growth for:

Cloud Migration Services
Canadian Food Safety Group

Our Account-Based Marketing Services

“Full service” is for gas stations, not digital marketing agencies.

We’re not your local full-service marketing agency (AKA a jack of all trades, master of none). We’re B2B growth marketing strategists who accelerate growth for ambitious businesses through the following ABM services:


Brand friendly B2B-focused search engine optimization done at scale to grow your brand awareness, share-of-voice and ultimately your share-of-market.

Learn more about SEO services 

Paid Ads

From Google ads to social media display ads, we specialize in creating campaigns that drive the highest number of conversions for the lowest cost.

Learn more about Paid Ads services 

Content Marketing

Social media content, blogs, landing page copy, and everything in between. We create content that highlights your expertise and delights your target audience.

Learn more about Content Marketing services 

And not to brag or anything, but we’re also pretty good at:

Website Design

Conversion Rate Optimization

Social Media Marketing

WordPress Development

Email Marketing

Digital Public Relations

Website Design

Conversion Rate Optimization

Social Media Marketing

WordPress Development

Email Marketing

Digital Public Relations

Get a Custom Proposal Based On Your Business & Market

The Best Marketing Decision You’ll Ever Make is Just One Click Away…

Whether we work together in the short-term, long-term or not at all, we guarantee you will be happy you took the time to speak with us.

Most Agencies Count Clients, We Count Wins

The only growth metrics we care about are yours, and we stack client wins like we stack firewood in winter.

Don’t just take our word for it though, we’ve published more case studies than any agency in Canada.

In Case it Wasn’t Clear, We’re a Bit Different (on Purpose!)

We have no interest in being like every other agency.

Agency Level Expertise, In-house Level Engagement

  • The traditional agency experience is a tradeoff between expertise and engagement. This doesn’t work for us. No one can market effectively to an industry they’re not immersed in, and we’re too competitive to deliver lukewarm results.
  • We solve this by joining organizations as a results-oriented strategic partner with the goal of blurring the line between agency and in-house.

“At the start of this engagement, Konstruct Digital didn’t have much experience with our industry, but they have proven to be quick learners. I’ve been an engineer for 40 years, and now I sometimes think they know more than I do.”

Faster Results Without the Fluff

  • We’ve literally seen it all. We’ve bottled up that experience and have developed agile frameworks that cut out “marketing fat” and get our teams to successful execution faster.
  • What you won’t see from us: performative business marketing proposals focused on “busy work”. When you work with Konstruct, you’re paying for expert-level marketing strategy & execution, based on our battle-tested frameworks.

“Konstruct Digital has been outstanding in terms of project management. We have weekly calls and they always update us on their progress, plans, and everything they’ve accomplished so far. This makes it incredibly easy to work with them. ”

What is Account-Based Marketing?

Account-based marketing is a highly targeted marketing strategy that focuses your marketing and sales efforts on a select group of high-value targets. AMB involves a customized approach that seeks to create a more personal experience for the target accounts that resonates with their specific needs and pain points. 

Tactics include customized emails, videos, blog posts, and ads that specifically speak to and target the decision-makers of your ideal accounts. 

AMB requires the alignment of your sales and marketing teams and aims to build personalized relationships with your target accounts to generate more leads and convert your target accounts.

The Benefits of Account-Based Marketing

Your business can experience fantastic benefits with account-based marketing. 

  • By focusing on high-value accounts, ABM can help your company close more deals with your most valuable customers and promote sales enablement with higher conversion rates and increased ROI. 
  • ABM requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams, which can lead to better alignment and a more coordinated approach to generating and nurturing leads. 
  • With ABM, you can create highly personalized content and messaging for each of your target accounts, which can help establish deeper relationships and increase the likelihood of closing a deal. 
  • ABM also leads to better customer retention in the long term. This can generate increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, and a more stable customer base.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Account-based Marketing Agency?

An account-based marketing agency is a specialized marketing firm that focuses on creating and implementing a customized ABM strategy for specific target accounts or high-value customers. 

ABM agencies work closely with their clients to identify key decision-makers within target accounts and then create personalized marketing campaigns designed to engage and convert those individuals. 

These campaigns may involve a variety of tools and tactics, such as personalized email campaigns, targeted advertising, and customized content marketing. ABM agencies typically work with B2B companies and require a high level of collaboration with the client’s sales team to ensure a coordinated approach.

Let’s Drive Impactful Results Together

Why is Account-based Marketing Important?

Account-based marketing is important because it enables your business to target specific high-value accounts and can lead to better engagement, improved customer relationships, and higher conversion rates. ABM is also important to increase customer loyalty and build stronger, lasting relationships with your customers. 

By targeting high-value accounts with customized marketing campaigns, your business can also establish itself as a thought leader and trusted advisor in your industry. This can help to improve your brand reputation and increase your overall market share.

How Do You Build an ABM Strategy?

Building an effective ABM strategy requires a deep understanding of your target accounts, customized content and messaging, and close collaboration between your sales and marketing teams. Here are the steps to building a solid ABM strategy:

  1. Firstly, you need to define the key accounts that you want to target. Analyze your existing customer base, look at industry trends, and assess the potential revenue that each account could generate.
  2. Next, you will need to research your target accounts to understand their business needs, pain points, and decision-making processes. 
  3. Then, you need to develop customized campaigns that speak directly to their needs and pain points. 
  4. Then, it’s time to align your sales and marketing efforts to ensure that the right messaging and offers are being delivered to the right decision-makers within the target accounts. 
  5. Finally, you need to measure and optimize your results by tracking your results and making adjustments as necessary.

Let’s Talk About Accelerating
Your Business Growth