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“Tell me again why we’re spending $10K per month on SEO,” said the CFO of a B2B enterprise to the marketing director. 


It’s a question that many marketing professionals have faced at one point or another. 

In the world of B2B marketing, where every dollar counts and ROI is king, justifying budget allocations can be a daunting task. 

Especially when it comes to SEO, a field often shrouded in technical jargon and long-term strategies, it’s not always easy to convey its value in a language that resonates with financial decision-makers.

This blog post aims to bridge that gap.

We’ve curated a collection of B2B SEO statistics that underscore the significance of SEO in the B2B realm, plus some bonus stats that will give you insights to inform your B2B SEO strategies.

Let’s get into it!

1. SEO generates 34% of qualified leads. (SageFrog)

Bar graph with a heading “The Top Sources of B2B Sales & Marketing Leads”. The graph shows Search engine optimization increasing leads by 34%, SEM by 30%, paid social media by 29%, in-person tradeshows and events 27%, content marketing 22%, email marketing 2%, referrals 21%, networking 19%, direct marketing 16%, directories and sponsorships 14%, telemarketing 14%, virtual events and webinars 14%, organic social media 10%, print advertisements 8%, and ABM 4%.

But what does this stat really mean? 

It proves that SEO is not only a highly effective lead generation strategy for B2B marketers but one of the best lead generation strategies.

In the intricate world of B2B, where the decision-making process is often long and involves multiple stakeholders, being discoverable at the right moment can make a pivotal difference in lead generation.

With 34% of these qualified leads originating from SEO, it’s evident that organic search plays a crucial role in the B2B buyer’s journey. 

B2B marketers should, therefore, prioritize SEO in their marketing mix, ensuring that their content and online presence align with the specific needs and search behaviors of their target audience.

2. According to 57% of B2B marketers, SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative. (Gintux)

Marketing budgets are finite, and every dollar spent needs to justify its ROI. 

With 57% of B2B marketers highlighting SEO as their primary lead source, it suggests that SEO is not only effective but also offers a favorable return on investment compared to other marketing channels.

3. B2B marketers who have blogs get 67% more leads than those who don’t (Optinmonster)

Bar graph with the heading “Impact of Blogging on Lead Generation for B2B Marketers”. The graph shows that 67% of sites with blog posts get more leads.

Purchase decisions in the B2B space are often based on trust, expertise, and thought leadership. This is where content marketing efforts come into play.

The fact that B2B marketers with blogs generate 67% more leads than those without highlights the pivotal role of long-form content marketing in establishing credibility and authority in the industry. Blogs provide B2B companies with a platform to share in-depth insights, industry trends, case studies, and expert opinions. This not only positions them as thought leaders but also helps in educating potential clients, addressing their pain points, and offering solutions.

Moreover, in the B2B space, buyers are often looking for information to make informed decisions. They are likely to conduct extensive research before reaching out to a potential vendor or partner. A regularly updated blog serves as a valuable resource for these researchers, drawing them into the company’s ecosystem and nurturing them through the sales funnel.

Furthermore, blogs enhance SEO efforts. Consistent blogging with relevant keywords can improve a company’s visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential B2B clients to find them.

Additionally, search engines, like Google, favor websites that regularly update their content. And frequently publishing blog posts ensures fresh content is always added to your site.

But that’s not all. 

High-quality, informative blog posts are also more likely to be linked to by other websites, earning valuable backlinks which enhance domain authority. The higher a website’s domain authority, the more likely it is to rank for relevant keywords, making the site more visible to prospective customers or clients. 

Basically, blogging is a win-win-win-win for B2B businesses and neglecting content marketing campaigns and strategies is one of the biggest mistakes that we see B2B businesses make! 

4. In B2B, combined search averages 76% of traffic. (BrightEdge)

Circle graph with the heading “Sources of B2B Website Traffic”. The graph shows that 76.4% of traffic is from combined search, 20.6% from other channels, and 3% from social visits.

Combined search is a mixture of organic search and paid search, like Google display ads. 

This stat suggests that B2B marketers should not solely rely on organic or paid search for their entire search strategy but rather use the two in parallel to capture the most search traffic.

Here’s why:

Comprehensive Visibility: By integrating both organic and paid search, B2B marketers can dominate the search results page. This dual presence reinforces brand visibility and increases the chances of capturing a potential lead, as some users might be inclined to click on ads while others trust organic results more.

Immediate vs. Long-Term Impact: Paid search, like Google display ads, offers instant visibility. It’s like turning on a spotlight in a crowded room. You’re immediately noticed. Organic search, however, is a marathon. It builds credibility over time, ensuring that your brand is not just a fleeting presence but a consistent, reliable entity in the industry.

Cost Efficiency & Sustainability: While PPC can be cost-intensive, especially in competitive industries, its results are instantaneous. Organic search, on the other hand, requires an upfront investment in content and SEO strategies but pays off in the long run with sustained visibility at no per-click cost.

Trust & Credibility: Organic search rankings signal to decision-makers that your brand is an industry authority. It shows that your content and offerings are relevant and valuable, not just to search engines but to users. Paid ads, while prominent, don’t carry the same implicit endorsement.

Flexibility & Adaptability: Running both campaigns allows for real-time data analysis. Marketers can test keywords in PPC campaigns and then integrate successful ones into their organic SEO strategy. It also provides a safety net; if organic rankings dip due to algorithm changes, your paid ads can compensate for the lost visibility.

While both organic and paid search have their individual merits, their combined strength is unparalleled. For B2B marketers aiming for both immediate results and long-term brand establishment, a synergistic approach is the key to unlocking the full potential of search traffic.

5. During B2B research endeavors, 89% of B2B researchers leverage the internet. (Think With Google)

Circle graph with a heading “B2B Researchers Using the Internet for Research”. The circle graph shows 89% of B2B researchers use the internet with 11% not using the internet.

B2B research can be intense.

B2B buyers aren’t going to make a purchase on a whim. They’re more likely to take their time researching and comparing various products and services, which can take them months to years until they actually convert.

Since the internet has become a key tool for B2B research, being present at the top of search results for a multitude of highly relevant keywords makes your business more likely to influence potential customers in their decision-making journey. 

6. When researching, 71% of B2B researchers start with a generic search. (Think With Google)

The most important aspect of an SEO strategy is proper keyword research, especially in the B2B space.

Why? Because keyword research is the best way to understand your prospects and their search behaviors. 

Understanding the specific terms and phrases potential customers are searching for will help you ensure you’re accurately aligning your SEO campaigns with the language and queries of target audiences.

Don’t assume what your prospects are thinking. When it comes to SEO, data-based decision-making is #1. 

If your prospects are starting with a generic search, you want to be one of the first businesses they see.

7. When it comes to researching business purchases, 90% of B2B researchers rely on search as their primary tool. (Think With Google)

If this stat isn’t the icing on your cake, we don’t know what is. 

Being at the forefront of the critical research phase that influences purchasing decisions is key to taking prospective customers, guiding them through the marketing funnel, and making them new customers. 

8. At work, 80% of B2B buyers utilize mobile devices and more than 60% report that mobile played a significant role in a recent purchase. (BCG)

Circle graph with the heading “B2B Buyers Using Mobile Devices at Work”. The circle graph shows 80% of B2B buyers using mobile devices with 20% not using mobile devices.

This BCG study also found that…

  • 70% of B2B buyers increased mobile usage significantly in the past few years, with 60% expecting to continue to increase mobile usage.
  • More than 90% of B2B buyers report they’re likely to purchase from the same vendor again if they have a superior mobile experience.

While some B2B marketers believe that B2B buyers exclusively use their work computers to explore new products and services for their businesses, data unequivocally contradicts this assumption.

However, these stats don’t mean that B2B marketers should overlook desktop optimization. Instead, optimizing sites for desktop and mobile users is crucial.

Neglecting either desktop or mobile optimization can result in missed opportunities, as B2B buyers continue to rely on both devices for in-depth research, decision-making, and the execution of transactions. 

9. Every month, 45% of enterprises invest more than $20,000 on SEO.(KoMarketing)

The fact that nearly half of enterprises allocate such significant resources monthly to SEO should encourage you to either begin or invest more in this marketing initiative.

SEO is a marathon. If your competitors start the race before you and you don’t pick up the pace, you’ll be trailing at the end of the pack rather than leading the charge to the finish line. 

The longer it takes you to start SEO, and the less you choose to invest in comparison to your competitors, the further behind your business will be.

10. B2B companies generate almost 2x more revenue from organic search than any other channel. (Bright Edge)

Circle graph with the heading “Revenue Generated from B2B Marketing Channels”. The circle graph shows B2B businesses generate 52.7% more revenue from organic search, 23.4% revenue from other, 22.9% from paid search, 0.9% from social media.

Online searches from B2B buyers are not casual or cursory; they are rooted in a specific intent. These professionals are on a mission: to find insights, solutions, or products that can address their business challenges or enhance their operations. Their searches are a reflection of a deeper need, be it for knowledge, a product, or a service.

Tapping into this high-intent audience through adept SEO strategies can be a game-changer. When you provide the exact information or solution these buyers are seeking, you’re not just answering a query; you’re building trust. By positioning your brand as a reliable source of information or a solution provider, you’re effectively guiding these decision-makers through the marketing funnel. Their initial search can lead to deeper engagement, and eventually, conversion.

But, take this stat with a grain of salt.

While SEO is an undeniably powerful addition to a full-funnel marketing strategy, we would never recommend putting 100% of your marketing budget towards SEO. 

A diversified marketing strategy is the cornerstone of sustainable growth.

Consider social media marketing, for instance. Its impact on revenue might not always be direct or quantifiable, but its value is undeniable. Social platforms offer a unique space for brands to engage with audiences, showcase their culture, and nurture potential leads. The indirect influence of social media on the buyer’s journey can be substantial.

Imagine a scenario where a potential client stumbles upon a thought-provoking post from your brand on LinkedIn. Intrigued, they decide to learn more about your company and turn to Google. This search might lead them to your website, where they engage with your content and, over time, convert into a paying client. In this sales journey, while the final conversion might be attributed to the organic search, it was the initial spark from the social media post that set the wheels in motion.

In essence, while SEO is instrumental in capturing and converting B2B buyers, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. 

A holistic marketing strategy, which integrates various tactics from SEO to social media, ensures that you’re engaging with potential clients at multiple touchpoints, guiding them seamlessly from awareness to conversion.

Dominate Search Engine Rankings & Increase Leads With a Solid SEO Strategy

Having delved deep into the intricacies of SEO and its impact on lead generation, you’re now armed with compelling insights that can be a game-changer for your organization’s marketing strategy. Now you should be well-armed to advocate for a more robust investment in SEO to your leadership.

In conclusion, as you present your case to the higher-ups, emphasize that SEO is not just a marketing expense but a strategic investment. It’s about positioning the brand for long-term success, capturing high-intent leads, and driving sustainable growth. 

With the compelling benefits that SEO offers, it’s clear that bolstering your investment in this domain is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your volume of sales-qualified leads.

But now comes the tricky part…how do you create a data-driven SEO strategy that actually meets your goals?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Our team of SEO specialists is ready to help you dominate targeted search engine results pages and unleash your website’s true potential. 

They’re experts at finding the most lucrative SEO opportunities for your site and implementing proven technical SEO, off-page SEO, and on-page SEO strategies to maximize keyword rankings for the most relevant and important search queries, driving more qualified organic traffic and ultimately boosting sales-qualified leads.

Request a proposal, and let’s chat more about crafting results-driven campaigns that drive SEO success and better help you meet your marketing goals.

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Brady Bateman

SEO Specialist

When it comes to SEO, Brady loves to dive deep and learn what makes Google tick. This helps him figure out the best ways to solve client problems and optimize websites to truly help our clients succeed.